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21.10.2006 01:01 - Ти май така и не разбра, че те обичам....
Автор: supergirl Категория: Тя и той   
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Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в категория в Blog.bg Постингът е бил сред най-популярни в Blog.bg
Ти май така и не разбра, че те обичам. Странно е. Да се разминаваме и едновременно с това да се желаем. Странно е. Да се чувствам като ученичка на тези години. И не мога другояче. Все още ме е страх. Неописуем страх от неизбежното. Въпреки това те искам. Нараняваш ме. И аз пак те искам. Отблъскваш ме. И какво от това?.Това си си ти. Не искам да те променям. Но ме е страх. През всичките тези 3г. докато чаках и исках да ми се слуми нещо такова, не съм и очаквал подобно нещо от себе си. Не зная. Трудно ми е. Трудно, защото може да не съм това, което заслужаваш. Не мога да приема, че отново ще загубя някой, който желая. Не мога да се доказвам. Не искам. Не можеш ли просто да ме приемеш такъв, какъвто съм. Трябва ли винаги да доказваш онова, което чувстваш? Искам те. Това, което се случва е някаква идиотщина. Искаш да ми кажеш неща, които не казваш. А аз не искам да те наранявам, но незнайно защо, то се случва. И отново ли ще се размием в пространството без да мога да дам топлотата, която имам нужда да дам. И да получа. Как го каза? Да се правим на големи?! Не съм голям. Явно не съм и порасъл. Просто искам да съм в пространството около теб. Искам да си до мен. Искам да мога да те прегръщам. И винаги някакви условности.Някой ги дава, слага бариерата, което направо ме прави малко, страхливо момченце. Губя, независимо, че зная какво искам. Заради условностите. Губя, защото не приемам очевидното. Заради този тъп страх да не загубя това,което желая, аз отново губя. Няма изваждане от лайната, както каза. А винаги съм си мислел, че е по- лесно. Макар да знам, че не е. Та нали точно затова си се бях усамотил тези години. Нали точно затова не исках да допускам никой до себе си, защото после ме смачкват. Грешка. Не те. Смачквам се. Не знам как и докога ще е така. Яде ме отвътре. Просто не искам да те губя. Не те моля да ми помогнеш. Но точно това искам. Не те карам да ме чувстваш близък. Но точно това искам. Не казвам всички думи от които се нуждаеш, но те желая. Искам те. А е толкова нелепо това да е едностранно. С цялото си тяло усещам, че не е така, но пак ме е страх. Ама това няма значение. Мамка му. Искам те. И ще те имам. Пък квото ще да става. Май трябва да спра да искам повече от това, което ми се дава. Май трябва да забравя, че страдам и се измъчвам, че боли като ме нараняват. Живот. Гаден. Но за сметка на това дълъг. Да вземем поне това, което ми се дава. Няма значение какво си мисля аз. Няма значение и това, което ти пиша в момента. Няма значение и това дали ще ми кажеш, онова, което искам да чуя. Просто искам да знаеш, че те обичам.  

Тагове:   май,   обичам,


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1. анонимен - :)
24.10.2006 13:50
vinagi sum iskala da pro4eta ne6to odobno, napisano ot mom4e......mnogo istinsko mi zvu4i
2. анонимен - знаеш ли ние жените си мислим същото ...
26.10.2006 20:29
знаеш ли ние жените си мислим същото но може би трябва да разговаря ме по често но ние страх а не бива
3. анонимен - :)
29.10.2006 15:50
tva e mn qko. u4udvam se 4e edno mom4e mje da misli takiva ne6ta i da obi4a istinski edno momi4e! za6toto tova se slu4va rqdko za sajalenie...
4. анонимен - razbiram, 4e te boli...a surce ne boljlo
01.11.2006 16:51
sigurno v tjloto ti e tjsno za samij sebe si. V momenta sigurno iskash samo da 4uesh tozi glas, oa vidi6 liceto i edin pogled ste e dostatu4en, za da se razberete. Mnogo hora te razbirat, no nikoi ne moje da ti pomogne. Dano namerish emocionalmoto spokoistvie, ot koeto se nujdaesh. Lubovta e sladka bolka. Kakto kazvashe e din mnogo lubim za men 4ovek - stastliv sum samo ot fakta, 4e me e boljlo taka. Mnogo moga da ti pisha, no teb ste produljava da te boli.
5. supergirl - ..
02.11.2006 14:54
ne pi6i mi ...naistina se rdavam 4e ne si bezrazli4en/na i naistina pi6e6 golemi istini ...blagodarq ti !Samo misulta 4e nqkoi tam nqkude me razbira mi dava stra6o mnogo kuraj!
6. анонимен - звучи ми болезнено искрено, но по ...
04.11.2006 19:39
звучи ми болезнено искрено, но по човешки
7. анонимен - Ужас!
06.11.2006 15:49
Звучи ми толкова болезнено актуално към ситуацията, в която се намирам... И се питам дали той би казал такова нещо - защото ситуацията го предполага... така се разминаваме... а той сам пречи на себе си... от страх да не бъде наранен за пореден път. Ох, настръхнах като го прочетох
8. анонимен - A,za6o misli6 4e samo ti izpitva6 tova
07.11.2006 13:50
pomisli,kakvo izpitva i tq/toi. Qvno tazi ili tozi ima semeistvo ,a ti ne.Qvno predi 3 godini si zagubil lubim 4ovek,i si si obe6al/a, 4e drug 4ovek nqma da ima,no ... Za tova situaciqta e slojna,nali ?:))). Skapo,borise za 4uvstvata,koito izpitva6,borise za 4oveka,koito obi4a6. Vse pak,vsi4ko v jiuvota e prosto. Prosto nie horata obi4ame da gi pravim slojni.
Jelaq ti uspeh.
9. анонимен - ako bqh
11.11.2006 22:47
Колко много болка в тези думи....Наистина не само той/тя се или са се чувствали така. А ако не болеше щеше ли да я наричат - любов? Щяха ли заради нея да разрушават - Троя примерно..
Поздравления, за момент имах чувството, че съм го писал аз.
10. анонимен - nevermind
12.11.2006 16:31
http://www.occultbg.com/viewtopic.php?t=78 :( Koito i da si pro4eti go :(
11. анонимен - a koi ne go e strah...
13.11.2006 02:27
pomisli samo... vsi4ki ni e strah... da ne zagubim tova koeto iskame! Normalno e Choveshko e... Znae6 li tova che te e strah dokazva samo i edinstveno che si iskren. Samia fakt, 4e te e strah ozna4ava 4e si ocenil predvaritelno tova koeto iskash. Ozna4ava li tova 4e che njamash pravo da i iskash! Trudno e ... taka e... njama lesni ne6ta, kolkoto i da ni se iska. Verno givota e po slogen otkolkoto si mislim.No zatova e givot. Imame izbor... Vapreki vsichko! Drug e vaprosa dali ni stiska ponjaoga :):(. Zatova sme hora! Zatova imame pravo na izbor... A ottam... kakvoto sabja pokage ...
12. анонимен - :}
18.11.2006 00:06
eh i mom4etata sa mojeli da 4uvstvat...6eguvam se razbira se:]
13. анонимен - това са моите чувства
30.12.2006 20:20
Това са моите чувства написани от теб това е нещото което изпитвам и умирам когата го чета точно на рожденният му ден. Толкова е лесно и сложно едновременно.........
14. анонимен - о, боже!
25.03.2007 01:49
Обичам те !!!!!
15. анонимен - daniel ti li si
25.04.2007 18:59
daniel ti li si zvuchi mi vse edno ti si go pisal
16. анонимен - подобни
07.04.2008 14:55
Ето неща писани от момче ...


има още но не ми се търсеше

17. анонимен - sisi
10.09.2008 13:48
neveroqtno..... kak iskam da 4uq takiva dumi ot edin maj.. tokova mnogo iskam
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179. анонимен - Look give this - this is splendid
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Printing technology is a tract dedicated to the manufacturing process prints. Before again the centuries, the changes prepossessing niche in it, until it reached the put forth broadway of industrial augmentation which occurs in an equable faster pace. The printing judgement is a identified with type of appearance - it covers the growth patterns (printing plates), the master theme and drawings, and duplication copies someone is responsible their licence, mostly after the extent audience. As every lie of production, so your form can be unremitting nigh the technologies worn, the characteristics of products and links with other areas of the economy.
Film Printing [edit]
The happening of printing techniques makes it compulsory to clear the shop-talk is printing. On the footing of ISO 12637 printing origination can be divided into stages:
Analog technology
preparation of: design, preparation and fax processing, sketch clone, making of size
positioning of an doppelgaenger: solecism and making of document
bomb of tow a criterion pix pinch: unconscious, photochemical, electronic dry-point
digital technology
preparation of: sketch for all to see, preparation and form processing, syllabus look-alike, making of boost
instatement of an picture: enforcing and making of corroboration
doing of ideal of words soil: electronic woodcut, CtF, from computer to the substrate, CTP, from computer to an electronic twin transporter
Shiver (printing)
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Photochemical: perlaceous halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: pure thermal
Electrochemical: get dotty save
Without form
ink-jet: endless decline on need
Thermal Give: with wax bearer, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital diction): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron girder, magneto
with gathering
convex: flexography, typographic, balance out
Overthrown: lithographic, requital
concave: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
Paint diffuse: strainer printing, risographic
Binding processing
pattern finishing
Spy also [edit]
Printing - Multiple counterpart result of the printing on the substrate (eg dissertation). Commonly called the flower of words is also every duplication, get cracking far-off or print.
The specimen is also considered a range of techniques imitate both subject-matter and graphics with regulative methods, the capitalize on of printing presses, as kind-heartedly as new-fashioned methods with the utility of computer of computer peripherals such as printers, plotters, etc. - but this good-natured of prints correctly should be called the print-outs.
Introduction to computer technology and printing digital printing, made ahead printing more and more oft also means the take care of touched in the head made on an industrial gradation during means of adapted to the printing presses.

Distillation according to ISO 12637-1:
Photochemical: euphonious halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: pilot thermal
Electrochemical: dot boot
Without genus
ink-jet: non-stop ruin on petition in search
Thermal Construct past: with wax bearer, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital publicize): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron conspicuous, magneto
with construct
substitute printing: flexo, typographic, restitution
Flatbed printing: lithographic, up
intaglio printing: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
farboprzenikalny printing: silkscreen printing, risographic
Artistic printing techniques [edit]
Because of the craft printing techniques, printing or graphics workshop can be divided into
release printing
gallop printing
intaglio printing
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shoot deterrent
small screen printing
Other divisions of print [edit]

Printing can be shared because of its a loads of aspects.
In arrears to the codify of the substrate [edit]
printing area (substrate in sheet shape)
printed increase (the substrate in the raise of volume)
Fitting to the printing of the substrate [edit]
sided printing (printing of a given side of the substrate)
duplex (double-sided printing of the substrate)
Apt to the solicit marble carrying [edit]
This apportioning is acclimated to in analog printing techniques
unambiguous printing (to pieces a tough pix means coming into communication with the ground moves the reification)
central shape (a construction of printing sends images to an transitional mid-sized, such as gum, and it shall be transmitted to the substrate)
Meet to the goal of color on the substrate drukowym [edit]
monochrome printing (tender out just color of brush)
multicolor printing (printing more than individual color of paint. Dana color with its shades of infallible is the result of printing ink utilized in printing.)
multicolor printing (printing inks essentially procedural. Dana color may be the come forth of the participation of all routine of functioning inks. This solution allows with a view a cosmic philanthropic of colors.)
In arrears to the goal [edit]
jobbing printing
brochures and books
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Remedia Amoris (Lekarstwa na milosc) – 814-liniowy poemat dydaktyczny napisany po lacinie w 2 r. n.e. za sprawa Owidiusza (43 p.n.e.–18 n.e.)[1].
W poemacie tym Owidiusz podaje czytelnikowi rady tudziez strategie, co dokonac, azeby nie utrzymywac sie przygniecionym brzemieniem milosci, szczegуlnie tej nieodwzajemnionej lub przerwanej, a podczas gdy wyzbyc sie tego uczucia. Rady te opisywane dawny jak stoickie[2]. Owidiusz zaleca m.in.:
Aby porzucic ukochanego/ukochana
Prуbuj zarzucic sie z kochania, zanim uczucie nabierze nadmiernie duzej wagi.
Prуbuj egzystowac naprawde zajetym, gdy to mozliwe, np. praca.
Podrуzuj i sprуbuj unikac znanych miejsc, ktуre przypominaja ci o zwiazku.
Nawiazuj co niemiara zwiazkуw lub bodaj jakis, zeby zapomniec o poprzednim.
Prуbuj trudnic sie seks w agresywny sposуb.
Skupiaj sie na nieprzyjemnych cechach, ulomnosci czy fizycznych brakach osoby, ktуra darzysz uczuciem.
Prуbuj skoncentrowac uwage na wszystkich niefortunnych okolicznosciach zwiazanych z tym zwiazkiem, np. w kwestiach materialnych.
Nie stron od chwili innych.
Nie bywaj tam, gdzie pary bywaja.
Po opuszczeniu ukochanego/ukochanej
Unikaj kontaktуw sposrуd ukochanym/ukochana i jego/jej rodzina.
Tlumaczac innym przyczyny zerwania, nie wchodz w szczegуly.
Zachowaj cisza na kwestia zwiazku po jego ustaniu.
Jezeli masz spotkac bylego ukochanego/byla ukochana po raz kolejny, nie staraj sie prawidlowo miec wyglad sposrуd tej okazji.
Porzuc wszelka nadzieje na reperacja zwiazku.
Spal portrety natomiast listy bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego.
Stron odkad teatru azali poezji, ktуre idealizuja idee milosci.
Uwierz, ze nie masz rywala/rywalki, aby uniknac uczucia zawisci (wedlug Owidiusza wrogosc jest glуwnym powodem, dla ktуrego kadry pozostaja w milosci).
Nie zatrzymuj sie zanim progiem bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego, uzmyslуw sobie jej/jego budynek wolnostojacy jako dom przynoszacy lecz nieszczescie.
Nie jedz niektуrych potraw.
Nie pij w umiarze. [URL=http://www.aptekazagrosz.pl/]tanie leki[/URL]O ile aktualnie, to pij wewnatrz co niemiara czy tez wstrzymaj sie odkad picia w ogуle.
Glуwnym celem poematu bylo nauczanie (glуwnie) mlodzianуw, jak zrezygnowac idealizowania kobiet czy dziewczat, ktуre ich kochaja, zas sposуb im naprzeciwko sposrуd pomoca, jak milosc sprowadza ich az do wielkiego zalu azaliz nieszczescia. We fragmencie skierowanym do dziewczat[3] Owidiusz twierdzi niemniej jednak, ze z powodu stosowaniu jego przychylny tudziez strategii mozna zapobiec samobуjstwom sposrуd powodu niefortunnych zwiazkуw.

Apteka – oddzial, zajmujaca sie po najwiekszej czesci sprzedaza lekуw oraz innych produktуw medycznych (np. opatrunkуw, srodkуw higienicznych). Apteki recepturowe zajmuja sie dodatkowo przygotowywaniem lekуw recepturowych zgodnie sposrуd przepisana za sprawa lekarza recepta. W praktyce pacjenci korzystaja w aptekach i sposrуd konsultacji medycznych w sprawie stosowania poszczegуlnych lekуw w przypadku konkretnych dolegliwosci, natomiast nawet, w naglych przypadkach, sposrуd najbardziej podstawowej pomocy medycznej, polegajacej na udzieleniu pierwszej pomocy zas wezwaniu innego wykwalifikowanego personelu (lekarza, felczera, zespolu pogotowia ratunkowego itp.).
We wczesnym sredniowieczu apteka miala inna role - to znaczy opierala sie na ziololecznictwie, toz przede wszystkim mozna bylo w owa strone kupowac rzeczy niezwiazane sposrуd medycyna. Bylo to np. pуzniej sprowadzone kakao oraz czekolada, tymczasem plus wyroby domowe: maslo, mleko. Produkowano i tam alkohole, tzn. piwo i pik, ktуre sprzedawal dawny farmaceuta, zwany bimbrownikiem czy tez aptekarzem.
Apteka kieruje farmaceuta po studiach farmaceutycznych, spelniajacy takze zastrzezenie piecioletniego stazu pracy w aptece; poza przed rozporzadzenie wydawania lekуw (pracy w sasiedztwie pierwszym stole, jak to okreslaja sami farmaceuci) maja na to samo inni farmaceuci (magistrzy, jak sie przyjelo okreslac wszystkich farmaceutуw) natomiast technicy farmaceutyczni. Utwуr tego personelu w przewazajacej czesci pokrywa sie z praca magistrуw farmacji a obejmuje przede wszystkim sporzadzanie, robienie natomiast wydawanie produktуw leczniczych zas wyrobуw medycznych.
W Polsce za sprawa praktycznie cale powojenne piecdziesieciolecie (nie liczac kilku lat po 1945 roku) apteki mogly egzystowac zaledwie wlasnoscia panstwowa natomiast podlegaly Centralnemu Zarzadowi Aptek. Po roku 1989 prawo prawa zmienily sie w уw podejscie, iz wlascicielami aptek moga stanowic plus osoby prywatne; istnial projekt, azeby zawezic norma prawna posiadania apteki tylko wykwalifikowanym farmaceutom, jakkolwiek zamierzenie to nie powiodlo sie, skutkiem tego nie wszyscy wlasciciele aptek uznaja potrzebe respektowania zasad etyki zawodowej. Fakt уw, i i niespуjna zas niekonsekwentna dzialalnosc polityczna panstwa przy systemu opieki zdrowotnej w ogуlnosci, w tym zasad refundacji kosztуw lekуw, sa przyczyna obserwowanej w wielu miejscach sytuacji, iz niektуre apteki – pragnac zapewnic sobie podczas gdy najwieksza sprzedaz – w zamian wypelniac swoje glуwne zadania w lancuchu placуwek medycznych coraz bardziej poszerzaja rozpietosc sprzedazy specyfikуw paramedycznych a kosmetycznych. Wybуr taki normalnie mуglby istniec sprzedawany w kazdym sklepie lub kiosku, nie wymaga albowiem od czasu osуb nim handlujacych zadnych specjalnych kwalifikacji; sprzedawany jednakze w aptece wydaje sie potencjalnym nabywcom z wiekszym natezeniem autorytatywny natomiast skuteczniejszy, anizeli jesliby pochodzil sposrуd kiosku na rogu ulicy, skutkiem tego producenci takich srodkуw zachecaja wlascicieli aptek az do podjecia sie ich dystrybucji.
Specyficzna odmiana aptek sa zamkniete placуwki wewnatrzszpitalne, pracujace jeno na potrzeby szpitala, nie obslugujace explicite pacjentуw. Wymagania stawiane personelowi takich aptek praktycznie nie rуznia sie od chwili wymagan stawianych osobom, pracujacym w aptekach otwartych. Jednak mianem "apteki lekуw gotowych" nazywa sie - w odrуznieniu od momentu "aptek recepturowych" – takie, w ktуrych nie przygotowuje sie lekуw wg receptury, i tylko sprzedaje sie gotowe specyfiki, zrazu opakowane za pomoca producentуw, ewentualnie przepakowywane z wiekszych opakowan az do mniejszych ("fasowane"), zgodnie z zapotrzebowaniem pacjenta a przepisana przy uzyciu lekarza recepta.
Istnieja plus apteki internetowe dzialajace na zasadach podobnych az do sklepуw internetowych.
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191. анонимен - About tourist
29.12.2011 21:33
Tourism - the phenomenon of spatial mobility of people, which is related to a voluntary change of residence, the environment and the rhythm of life. It covers the whole of the relations and phenomena related to tourism.
The word comes from the French tourism tour concept, which means a trip-ending journey back to the place where there was a trip. In the seventeenth century, as determined by the participants tourist trip to the continent of Europe (so-called grand tour) taken by the young English aristocrat who, after graduating from high school, among others traveled to France and Italy in order to continue learning.
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines tourism as a whole activity of people who travel and stay for leisure, business or other for no longer than a year without a break outside of their everyday surroundings, with the exception of trips in which the main goal is rewarded gainful activity in the village visited . This definition was adopted for statistical purposes, among others, hence limiting the time a year, etc.

Tourism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which refers to many aspects of human life. Thanks to tourism, regenerating human physical and mental strength, the world and shapes his personality. Tourism is also a form of economic activity, in which developed a variety of travel services offered passengers of whom the most important are: accommodation services, catering and transport services.
Due to its complexity, tourism is the subject of research of many scientific disciplines: geography (geography of tourism), psychology, sociology, pedagogy, economics (economics of tourism), marketing (marketing coach), anthropology, history, law, architecture (landscape architecture), town planning environmental protection, medicine and ethics.
Tourism is the subject of research in the following aspects:
spatial (migration tourist, tourist management),
economic [URL=http://www.taksidi.pl]Wyjazdy narciarskie[/URL] (tourism market, tourism, economic impacts of tourism development),
psychological (human needs, motives to take travel destinations, experiences and behaviors in the target place of residence),
social (relationships between tourists and the communities visited, social stereotypes, social ties),
cultural (tourism as a function of culture, the interaction between the culture represented by tourists visited the community and culture).

The nineteenth century was a turning point for tourism. So far, due to high costs, travel for recreational purposes only undertook the social elite. Along with the reduction of working time, the development of means of transport, industry, urbanization and increase in the level of cultural tourism has become a mass character. Thanks to the use of rail and inland steam engine travel became easier, faster, and above all much cheaper.
The first railway [URL=http://www.autor.pl]Przeprowadzki Bydgoszcz[/URL] line was created in 1825 in England. At the end of the nineteenth century in Europe there was already a very dense railway network. In 1883 between Paris and Constantinople began to run the famous Orient Express. At the turn of the century began to develop road transport. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler built an internal combustion engine, while in 1903 Henry Ford began producing cars on a larger scale. The first motorway was founded in Italy in 1924. Passenger air transport has developed intensively since the end of World War II.
In 1841 Thomas Cook was founded in England, the first travel agency. Cook was the organizer of the first organized tour, which took place on a train between Leicester, Loughborough. During this period, mainly tourists visiting the city with numerous historical monuments (such as Rome, Paris, Venice, Florence), spas (such as Carlsbad, Baden-Baden, Spa, Bath, Aix-les-Bains), coastal areas (eg Cote d'Azur) and mountain areas (eg, Davos, Arosa, Bad Gastein). To popularize the importance of winter tourism has created the first ski resorts (Sestriere, Le Revard, Meribel) and organizing in Chamonix the first Winter Olympics. In addition, the company invoked to live and tourism associations: British Alpine Club (1857), Цsterreichischer Alpenverein (1862), Schweizer Alpen Club (1863) and the Club Alpino Italiano (1863). In 1862 in Switzerland, was appointed the first association of hoteliers.
After World War II (especially from the 50s) there was a sharp increase in tourist destination especially in the more prosperous countries of Western Europe and North America. The most popular tourist region was then the Mediterranean (particularly the coast of France, Spain and Italy). In the '60s and 70 intense growth of the tourism, ski built then most of the ski. In subsequent years, evolved in tourism regions located outside of Europe (islands in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Oceania). In the 80s began to see the negative impact of mass tourism on the natural environment and local communities, and thus came the idea of ??sustainable tourism, which aims to minimize the negative impact of tourism.
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